Happy Homecoming Week! Sept. 20-24
Homecoming 2022 Decades is just around the corner. Listen closely for all the details!
Spirit Week will be from September 20 through 23. You can earn spirit points for your classes by participating.
Here are the spirit days:
Tuesday is Recreate that photo- use an old photo of yourself and recreate that outfit.
- Tuesday, Sept 20th at 6pm
Come and support your class as teams from each grade level battle to win homecoming week spirit points and glory! The concession stand will be open, so come hungry! All proceeds support the Junior Class and Prom. $5.00-Adults and High School Students $2.00- Middle and Elementary School Students
Wednesday is Generation day by class- the freshman class dress as babies or toddlers, the sophomores dress as children, juniors dress as middle age, and seniors dress as old folks
Thursday is Decades- each class dress according to their decade, Seniors are the 90’s, Juniors are the 70’s, Sophomores are the 80’s, and the freshman are the 20’s?
Friday is Black and Gold/Class Colors - be sure to dress in your class’s color
Sr - Black
Jr - white
So - gold
Fr - gray
Hallway decorating is already underway! Join up with your class officers to decorate your hallway to fit the decade they chose. Halls will be judged the Tuesday of Spirit Week and spirit points will be awarded to each class.
We will have a pep rally, pregame, and halftime show on Friday. The winner of the spirit week competition will be announced at the pep rally.
Finally, what you all have been looking forward to. We are currently having a dance. The dance will take place in the old gym on Saturday, September 24 from 7:30-10:00pm.
Permission forms can be found in the front office for outside guests, they will be permitted as long as they are in good standing with their home school or employer. No guests from the middle school or over the age of 20 are permitted. The forms must be returned to the front office by Friday, September 16 - no exceptions! Please leave yourself and your date enough time to get the required information and signatures.
Tickets for the dance will go on sale during lunches from September 16 - September 22 and will also be sold in the mornings before school starting at 8am. All tickets will be $10. Tickets will not be sold at the door the night of the dance.