Current 10th and 11th Grade Gifted Learners: Are you interested in an enriching summer experience?
All student interest applications are due November 18, 2022.
Student Interest Application
Informational Flyer
Please read all of the criteria carefully.
Summer Residential Governor's School offers five different programs/mentorships for current 10th and 11th graders (rising 11th & 12th). Acceptance into these programs is very competitive. Receiving a division nomination, one of a limited number of nominations that will represent our school division, that will be submitted to the VDOE nominating committee has the potential to also be very competitive. That competition depends on you, you, you, and you! It depends on how many of you are interested in fun-filled once in a high school career, college resume boosting, all expenses paid opportunity!
Within the Summer Residential Governor's School there are three larger programs that average between 100 - 150 students. These programs are Agriculture, Humanities, Fine Arts (Music, Theater, Art), and Math, Science, & Technology. There are also two mentorships which are extremely competitive and very selective since the enrollments are set at 12 for Engineering and 6 for Marine Science. The Medicine & Health Science mentorship will not be offered this summer.
If you were not looking for information on one of the programs above, but instead were searching for a full or partial immersion program for a World Language, five academies will be offered this summer at Radford University. They will host three full immersion programs(no English will be spoken by anyone at any time - wow!), French, Spanish, and German. As well, they will offer two partial immersion programs, Latin and Japanese.
All of the programs, mentorships, and immersion academies have eligibility criteria to be considered before the division can include your application in the division's pool of applicants. Also, you must be committed to stay the entire time of the program, the need for a leave of absence will hinder your chance of selection by the VDOE nomination committee.
So how do you find out about that criteria? Glad you asked!
Fill out the attached Student Interest Application and submit it by November 18, 2022. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. The application will be locked on November 18, 2022 at midnight.
Once I have received and reviewed your student interest application and confirmed you meet the minimum eligibility criteria, I will send you my version of the application (basically the same as the actual one) along with additional tips and tricks. You will also be provided a timeline that includes additional due dates and expectations. So another incentive for completing the form quickly!
If you have any issues below are 5 "Hot Lines"
- Hot Line 1 - Read the quick fact sheet about the different program eligibility criteria. 2023 Summer Academies Eligibility Criteria
- Hot Line 2 - Refer to the VDOE websites for Summer Residential Governor's Schools or World Language Academies. for all the information you will ever need!
- Hot Line 3 - Refer to the Student/Parent Guidebook for Summer Residential Schools or World Language Academies for more information just like what is offered on the website.
- Hot Line 4 - Visit your School Counselor for assistance or more information. They have helped a few students through this process during their tenure as a counselor.
- Hot Line 5 - email the division's Supervisor of Gifted Education, Angie Deitz I love questions!