Dress Code Reminder

The ACPS handbook dress code policy states:

The cooperation of students and parents in the area of appropriate dress will help ensure an environment conducive to learning. Reasonable standards of modesty are expected. All clothing must be of an appropriate length and under garments must be covered at all times. Students must wear tops that sufficiently cover shoulders, chest and midriff. Clothing must be worn in a conventional manner and not be altered in such a way that is revealing. Exceedingly tight or see-through apparel is also not permitted. Dress that is sexually suggestive or explicit in nature, or promotes or depicts a drug, alcohol, tobacco, gang activity, profanity, or violence is prohibited. Students must wear shoes at all times and must remove hats and head coverings, including caps and hoods, upon entering school. Students in violation of the dress code will be expected to change into appropriate attire. It will be the prerogative of the school administration to judge proper/improper dress beyond that specified above. School administrators will work with families in cases of special circumstances.