Preschool Enrollment Criteria

What are the requirements for enrollment into the School-Based Augusta County Preschool Program?
Accepted applicants meet one or more of the criteria of the local, state, and federal government below.
Multiple family factors reported by parents on last page of the application.
Child has been identified with a disability and school division specifies preschool placement for services.
Family meets requirements of income eligibility, identified homeless status, foster care status, or are receiving public assistance (TANF, SSI).
How old does my child need to be?
Priority is given to children who will be 4 years of age by September 30 of the school year.
Children who are 3 years of age by September 30 of the school year may apply and will be considered for slots in Augusta County schools, HeadStart preschool slots (Located at Wayne Hills Preschool Center), and community based slots.
If I apply early does that increase my child’s chances of enrollment?
This program is a needs based program, so acceptances are not first come, first serve. Acceptances must meet the requirements noted above. Acceptances are ongoing throughout the year and children are prioritized based on needs.
What documents are required?
A completed application, income verification, residency verification and original birth certificate are the documents requested to be placed on the waitlist and considered for enrollment. If a child is accepted the following documents are required: physical and immunization record.
Can I apply for the school near my caregiver?
No, school division policy requires that your child attend the school district of your permanent residency. Special permission inquiries must be directed to the central office of your school division.
Will transportation be provided if my child is enrolled in the program?
The Preschool Program offers bus service to its participants whenever possible. A transportation request must be completed and the address submitted for pick up and drop off must be within the accepted school district based on the parent/guardian's home address. A parent or designated adult must be present at pick up and drop off.
Is attendance important?
Regular attendance is expected. The early childhood programs are full-day, regular school calendar year programs. We maintain a large wait list. Excessive absences will place your child in jeopardy of losing his/her enrollment.