Directions to Beverley Manor Middle School
If you get lost, call: (540) 885-5806
Coming from Harrisonburg:
Take I81 South to Exit 225 (SR 275).
Turn right onto SR 275, continue over the railroad tracks.
SR 275 turns into SR 262.
Exit at Parkersburg Pike.
Turn right onto Parkersburg Pike.
Turn left onto Cedar Green Road.
Entrance to Beverley Manor Middle School is located to the left.
Coming from South of Staunton:
Take I81 North to Staunton, Exit 220, SR 262 Bypass road.
Continue on SR 262 Bypass.
Exit at Parkersburg Turnpike.
Turn left onto Parkersburg Pike.
Turn left onto Cedar Green Road.
Entrance to Beverley Manor Middle School is located to the left.
Coming from Waynesboro:
Take I64 West to Staunton.
Take I81 South.
Take Exit 220, SR 262 Bypass road.
Continue on SR 262 Bypass.
Exit at Parkersburg Turnpike.
Turn left onto Parkersburg Pike.
Turn left onto Cedar Green Road.
Entrance to Beverley Manor Middle School is located to the left.