Beverley Manor Middle School History
Middle School planning activities began in August of 1973 with Central staff, citizens, Advisory Committee, and the Augusta County School Board under the direction of the Division Superintendent. Extensive research was done to determine an appropriate educational program to better meet the needs of Augusta County's student population. From August of 1973 until January of 1975, the middle school concept and philosophy were researched, studied, and developed for future implementation in Augusta County. In January of 1975, the Augusta County School Board formally adopted the middle school concept and philosophy with plans to initiate the sequential development of middle schools in accordance with needs and available funds.
Bids were accepted from Thor Inc. for construction of Beverley Manor Middle School and construction began in 1987. We began the use of the building in June of 1989. During the years we have grown from 620 to above 800 students. We serve approximately 60 percent of Augusta County's land area.