Mission Statement

Recognizing the unique developmental needs of the early adolescent, Beverley Manor Middle School provides a challenging and creative program of sound academic, social, emotional, and physical learning opportunities for students.

General Philosophy

We believe that the middle school student has unique developmental needs as a result of dramatic changes in physical, social, and emotional growth. While this period of growth presents challenges to teaching and learning, all students can learn and have innate worth. Since these students are “in transition” in all areas of life, the middle school must be a bridge between elementary and high school and, to be effective, must be responsive to the characteristics of the early adolescent.

Programs that are sensitive to the middle school student are structured, yet flexible in the context of learning communities. Teachers and administrators work cooperatively in the development of local school programs to meet the needs of all students. Middle school curriculum emphasizes active learning and interdisciplinary connections. These programs maintain a strong academic focus and high expectations. We also value and offer a variety of enrichment, exploratory, intramural, and extra-curricular activities. An advisor/advisee program enhances the climate for personal growth and intellectual development. Ongoing assessment and evaluation is used to improve instruction and attain adopted standards.

Instruction is successful when all teachers are competent in their subject areas and use effective teaching strategies. Likewise, it is critical that teachers be knowledgeable about the needs of the middle school student and committed to the philosophy and goals of middle school education. While teachers recognize that the acquisition of basic information is important, they also value the application of knowledge and critical thinking. Team instruction and grouping is the preferred organizational model for meeting student needs and providing the flexibility required at this level. Schools must provide a learning environment that is nurturing, safe, and positive and promotes wellness of mind, body, and spirit.

Parents & Community
Schools share overall responsibility for education with the student’s home, religious family, and the surrounding community. Parental support at home and direct involvement in school life are key factors in student achievement and attitude toward school. Developing school partnerships with civic organizations and businesses enhances educational opportunities. Likewise, creating student service projects enriches the community and promotes civic responsibility. Students reach their full potential when schools, parents, and community support one another in meeting the needs of middle school students. We believe that the blend of middle school programs and instruction combined with the partnership of students, teachers, parents, and community provide the structure needed for the successful transition of preadolescents from elementary to high school. In this way, middle school education contributes to students becoming life-long learners and responsible, compassionate citizens in a diverse society.

Beverley Manor Middle School continues Augusta County's tradition of providing an effective and comprehensive program designed to meet the developmental needs of our pre-adolescents!