Our BGHS administrators, teachers, and staff members would like to thank all of you for your patience and look forward to your participation in Graduation 2022! We are excited to have a full ceremony on our Campus! We hope you all will enjoy the Graduation experience we are able to provide! Please see the attached memo for Seniors and Parents from our Superintendent!
Important Dates:
April 30th: Prom Covid waiver and Guest permission forms are available.
May 12: Upperclassmen Academic Awards. 9am in the William R. Deardorff Auditorium. Seniors, Juniors and invited Underclassmen will be invited with their families.
May 13 and 16: Senior Exams: Please return Chromebook to the teacher following the last exam.
May 20: Mandatory Graduation Practice; Arrive at 1130am: We will be feeding the Seniors and showing a Senior presentation in the Auditorium followed by lining up and proceeding with Graduation practice in the Stadium. Return your Chromebook if you have not already.
May 21: Graduation; Arrive at 830am: We will be lining up in the New Gym and have a procession to the Stadium.