Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Next Meeting March 19, 6:00 pm
Next SEAC Meeting Information
March 19, 2025 6:00 pm
Location: Augusta County Government Center, Smith West Conference Room, VIRTUAL option will be available
Virtual Link for meeting: https://meet.google.com/tge-srvn-zcz
Time: 6:00 pm (5:30 for time with Director of Student Services)
PEATC Special Education Workshops
PEATC (Parent Education Advocacy Training Center) is a fabulous tool to help parents become better advocates.

Special Education Advisory Committee
Mission: To identify the special education program needs; to reach, support and educate the parents of students in Augusta County.
Membership: A majority of the committee shall be parents of children with disabilities. The committee shall include one teacher. Additional local school division personnel shall serve only as consultants to the committee.
Meetings: Committee meetings shall be held at least four times in a school year and shall be open to the public.
For more information about our public meetings and what this group is all about, please send us an email at SEAC@augusta.k12.va.us.
2024-2025 Executive Officers
Megan Yancey, Chairperson
Zoe Humphrey, Vice Chairperson
Mona Huffer, Secretary
Stacy Truslow, Teacher Representative
Advisor - Sandi Thorpe, PO Box 960, Verona, VA 24482, (540) 245-5131