Class Scheduling

Here is the general procedure and time line we use for scheduling students in classes for the upcoming school year. Based on students’ course requests and requirements, administrative decisions are made on staffing and course offerings are finalized. The master schedule is determined based on staff availability and on efforts to provide the most opportunities for student choices, with the fewest scheduling conflicts.

Late October to February
Students will receive information from their counselors about course registration. Students will hear about programs such as Mentorship, 
Shenandoah Valley Governor's School (SVGS) and Valley Career and Technical Center (VCTC). Interested students will also have the opportunity to visit SVGS and VCTC.

Students will make their initial course selections on Fall Recommendation Day in late October. These initial selections will be used as building blocks for a student’s schedule. These initial selections are not considered final and can be altered in conversations between the school counselor, student, teacher, and parent. Fall teachers recommend appropriate course levels based on student achievement. Selections can and will be altered based on student performance in class during the spring semester.

Students and/or parents are invited to meet with their school counselor regarding course requests, graduation requirements, and educational & career goals and should contact the school counseling office if they wish to set up an appointment.

March to April
Staffing and course offerings are finalized. Spring teachers recommend appropriate course levels based on student achievement. The list of the tentative course requests will be shared with parents by spring break. Counselors may meet with students individually to review plans and make any necessary changes. Students wishing to change any course selections should see their counselor after spring break. The initial master schedule is developed.

April to July
The master schedule and teaching assignments are finalized. Students’ course lists may be revised to reflect previous course failures. Schedule conflicts are resolved and alternate courses are chosen as necessary.

Early August
Teacher assignments and student schedules are finalized. Schedules are available in the main office. Schedule changes at this point should be primarily limited to resolving schedule conflicts.

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