The Apprenticeship Page is under construction and will be updated soon!
Bus Drivers' Apprenticeship Program
Computer Technicians' Apprenticeship Program
Custodian Apprenticeship Program
Clinic Aide, Instructional Aide, Exceptional Learner Classroom Aide, Child Development (Preschool)
Maintenance Employees' Apprenticeship Program
Mechanics' Apprenticeship Program
Augusta County Schools Apprenticeship Programs for Employees
A series of career enhancement programs have been developed to allow non-exempt support staff employees an opportunity to improve their skills and enhance their performance while receiving a financial incentive. The improved skill base is not only a benefit to the employee, but the employer benefits as well by having a better trained employee that can provide a higher degree of service while realizing reduced training time and costs, improved communication and interpersonal relationships, and become more productive.
Augusta County Schools utilizes a series of apprenticeship programs in partnership with Virginia Works and the Adult Learning program at Valley Career and Technical Center to provide programs for employees with specific trade skills - i.e. Mechanics, Computer Technicians, Maintenance Employees, Custodians, Secretaries, Bookkeepers, and School Nutrition Program workers. Augusta County Schools also partners with Blue Ridge Community College to implement a career enhancement program for Instructional Assistants.
Apprenticeship Programs
What is apprenticeship? Apprenticeship is an agreement between an employer who needs a skilled worker and an individual (the apprentice) who wants to “earn while learning” a skilled occupation. Apprenticeship offers individuals the chance to learn the skills needed on the job and provides a better opportunity for advancement. Apprenticeship combines paid, on-the-job experience with classroom instruction to better prepare employees for their current job and to allow them to be prepared as their job responsibilities may change.
Apprenticeship has two components: On-The-Job Training (OJT) and Related Instruction (RI) in the classroom. OJT ensures the employee will be fully trained in all areas of the occupation by a skilled professional. RI builds the theoretical and technical knowledge an employee needs for the occupation.
What is the role of the Department of Labor and Industry? Apprenticeship programs are administered through the Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI). DOLI apprenticeship representatives work with employers to help establish and promote apprenticeship programs. The agency is also responsible for ensuring that employers comply with applicable regulations and meet specific criteria.
What does a typical apprentice do? A registered apprentice completes a minimum of 2,000 hours (or the number of hours equal to the standard hours worked for a specific occupation), supervised, on-the-job work experience in a specific occupation, and a recommended minimum of 144 hours of related instruction for each year of the apprenticeship. Depending on the occupation, the length of the apprenticeship ranges from one to six years with an average of four years of on-the-job training.
Employer Benefits:
More productive employees
Improved employer/employee relations
Reduced training costs
Increased skill level of the work force
Improved worker and company communications
Employee Benefits:
Formal on-the-job training
Additional classroom instruction
Increased pay while learning
Promotional potential; a better job, and a better future – the program provides a head-start to better job advancement and better wages.
Employee receives a completion certificate which is recognized throughout the United States.
Dates of Importance:
Enrollment for Fall 2024 is now open and will close Friday, September 13, 2024.
Enrollment for Spring 2025 will open Thursday, January 2, 2025 and close Friday, February 7, 2025.
The deadline for coursework completion and/or competency testing for consideration of the salary adjustment in the 2025-26 school year is Friday, April 18, 2025.
To enroll in the ACPS Apprenticeship program, please download the agreement, complete Part A, and submit to Mrs. Serena Campbell, Supervisor of Personnel, by the enrollment deadline.
Please contact the Personnel Office or your pathway's respective coordinator.
Dr. Kelly Troxell, Executive Director of Personnel (540-245-5107; troxell.kf@augusta.k12.va.us)
Mrs. Serena Campbell, Supervisor of Personnel (540-245-5707; campbell.sm@augusta.k12.va.us)