Voluntary Benefit Offerings
Carrier: AFLAC
AFLAC Customer Service Phone: 800-433-3036 or 434-296-9500
AFLAC Group Number: 0000026858
Additional enrollment services provided by BOST Benefits:
Michelle Lawson
Phone: 434-296-9500
Email: mlawson@BOSTbenefits.com
Voluntary benefits are offered to employees working 25 or more hours per week. Enrollment is available for new hires (have 30 days to complete online application process) and during the school division open enrollment period in November for coverage to start January 1.
Login Instructions for AFLAC Voluntary Benefit Enrollment
Log in ID: SSN + 740 (Example: 123-45-6789 = 123456789740)
Initial Password: Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY) (Example: May 1, 1975 = 05011975)
Call Center phone number for log in issues or enrollment questions: (866) 793-5233
After selecting your desired benefits, the final step is to complete the direct billing through Paylogix via the "pop out" menu. Please note: if you do not complete the direct billing section, you will not have coverage for any Aflac products. As shown below:

Continuing Your Aflac Coverage after Leaving Employment
If you are no longer employed and would like to keep your current Aflac Group plans in place, you may be able to port your plans. To ensure that your portability (continuation of coverage) is handled quickly and accurately, please print the Continuation of Coverage form and then do the following:
Complete the form in its entirety and sign and date it.
If paying by monthly ACH/Bank Draft please mail completed forms to: American Family Life Assurance Company (Aflac) P.O Box 641629 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-1629. This payment option is only available on a monthly basis.
If paying by check, mail the completed form along with your check to the address noted on the form. This payment option is only available for quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments.
Submit within 31 days of your termination date.
If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service Department Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time at 800.433.3036.