Employee Benefits in Augusta County Public Schools
Contact Information
Anne Hubbard, ahubbard@augusta.k12.va.us
Benefits and Payroll Manager
540-245-5273 or 540-245-5128
The Benefits Office is responsible for eligibility, enrollment, changes and issues regarding employee benefits. We strive to provide up-to-date information and excellent customer service to all employees.
The Augusta County Public Schools Administrative Manual contains important policies and procedures regarding benefits. To access the Administrative Manual, go to the Central Office area of the school board webpage under the Deputy Superintendents section.
Employee Notices Section
Your Rights and Protections Against Suprise Medical Billing
Anthem- Machine Readable Files (MRFs) Beginning July 1, 2022 and on the first of every month thereafter, Anthem will publish the machine readable files for the plans we administer and maintain on anthem.com.
Privacy Notice
According to the federal HIPAA law (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996), each individual enrolled in the Augusta County School Board health/dental insurance plan and/or the flexible benefits plan has a right to view a special privacy notice. The attached notice will explain the school board's privacy practices and responsibilities.