Health Insurance Benefit

Carrier: Anthem
Member Services: 833.388.1400

Out of Network Vision Claim Form-- please use this form for reimbursement when purchasing eye wear from an out of Network provider, like Costco.

The school board provides employees who work 30 or more hours per week the opportunity to participate in a health insurance plan.  Anthem is the current carrier for health insurance coverage.  For coverage selections, benefit summaries, and rate information, refer to the tables referenced later on this page.  

NOTE: Children can be enrolled in your health insurance plan until they turn 26. 

NOTE: Employees who elect health insurance for their spouse must complete a spousal mandate affidavit. If a working spouse has access to affordable group health insurance through their employer, they must accept their own insurance rather than join the Augusta County Public School's plan. Completion of the affidavit will take place during the PlanSource online enrollment process. 

The amount paid towards the annual premium for each employee will be determined by the School Board.   

For new enrollees, the health insurance coverage effective date is the first day of the month following your first paycheck (Example: August 31st paycheck, September 1st coverage date) 

PLEASE NOTE: Monthly premiums are automatically deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis unless you indicate otherwise by signing a Premium Conversion Waiver Form at the time of application or during annual open enrollment.

Health Plan Transparency Reporting

On October 29, 2020, the Transparency in Coverage Rule was released by the Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and Treasury based on an executive order by the President to improve price and quality transparency in American healthcare in an effort to put patients first. This rule is a historic step toward putting health care price information in the hands of consumers and other stakeholders to ensure consumers are empowered with the critical information they need to make informed health care decisions.  The requirements in the Transparency in Coverage Rule will also reduce the secrecy behind health care pricing with the goal of bringing greater competition to the private health care industry.  

Beginning July 1, 2022, group health plans and issuers of health insurance are mandated to make available machine-readable files that include in-network negotiated payment rates and historical out-of-network charges for covered items and services, including prescription drug pricing. The files must be posted on an internet website that is publicly available and accessible to any person free of charge. No conditions can be imposed on the access to the files, such as establishment of a user account, password, or other credentials or submission of personally identifiable information to access the file. The files must be updated on a monthly basis and also clearly indicate the date on which they were most recently updated.

The health plan price transparency rule can help employees know the cost of a covered item or service before receiving care and help define the value of those services. This pricing information can also be used by third parties, such as researchers, app developers, etc. to help consumers better understand the costs associated with their health care. 

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Health insurance is considered a pre-tax benefit under the Augusta County Schools Section 125 plan. Elections are made during open enrollment and are irrevocable unless the employee experiences a "life event" as defined by the Internal Revenue Service code. A new election is allowed within 30 days of experiencing a life event and must be submitted through the Plansource online enrollment system. 

Employees wishing to add newborn or adopted children to the health insurance plan have 30 days from the birth or adoption to make the election. Enrollment will not be permitted after 30 days except during the next open enrollment period.

Medicare Resources- if you are nearing age 65 and have questions regarding Medicare, please use the following resources:

