School Psychologists
These professionals promote mental health in the school environment and assist in providing quality educational experiences for all students.
Professional Services by School Psychologists
Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery
Data-Based Decision Making and Accountability
School psychologists collect and use assessment data to understand student's problems and to select and implement evidence-based instructional and health services.
School psychologists, as part of an interdisciplinary team, conduct assessments to identify student's eligibility for special education and other educational services.
School psychologists use valid and reliable assessment techniques to assess progress toward academic and behavioral goals, to measure response to intervention, and to revise interventions as necessary.
Consultation and Collaboration
School psychologists use a consultative problem-solving process as a vehicle for planning, implementing, and evaluating academic and mental health services.
School psychologists effectively communicate information for diverse audiences, such as parents, teachers and other school personnel, policy makers, community leaders, and other.
School psychologists function as change agents, using their skills in communication, collaboration, and consultation to promote necessary change at the individual student, classroom, building, and district, state, and federal levels.
School psychologists apply psychological and educational principals necessary to enhance collaboration and achieve effectiveness in provision of services.
Direct and Indirect Services for Children, Families, and Schools
Student-Level Services
Interventions and Instructional Support to Develop Academic Skills
School psychologists work with other school personnel to develop, implement, and evaluate effective interventions for increasing the amount of time students are engaged in learning.
School psychologists incorporate all available assessment information in developing instructional strategies to meet the individual learning needs of children.
School psychologists share information about research in curriculum and instruction with educators, parents, and the community to promote improvement in instruction, student achievement, and healthy lifestyles.
Interventions and Mental Health Services to Develop Social and Life Skills
School psychologists integrate behavioral supports and mental health services with academic and learning goals for children.
School psychologists use systematic decision-making to consider the antecedents, consequences, functions, and potential causes of behavioral difficulties that may impede learning or socialization.
School psychologists provide a continuum of developmentally appropriate mental health services, including individual and group counseling, behavioral coaching, classroom and school-wide social-emotional learning programs, positive behavioral support, and parent education and support; this may include attention to issues such as life skills and personal safety for students with lower levels of functioning.
School psychologists develop and implement behavior change programs at individual, group, classroom, and school-wide levels that demonstrate the use of appropriate ecological and behavioral approaches (e.g., reinforcement, social skills training, and positive psychology) to student discipline and classroom management.
Systems-Level Services
School-Wide Practices to Promote Learning
School psychologists work collaboratively with other school personnel to create and maintain a multitiered continuum of services to support all students' attainment of academic, social, emotional, and behavioral goals.
Preventative and Responsive Services
Family-School Collaboration Services
Kim Sain
Email Kim
Stuarts Draft High School, Stuarts Draft Middle School, and Stump Elementary School
Gretchen Baugher
Email Gretchen
Fort Defiance High School, Stewart Middle School, and Clymore Elementary School
Dr. Lynn Rogers
Email Lynn
Riverheads High School, Beverley Manor Middle School, and Riverheads Elementary School
Piper McMillan
Email Piper
Buffalo Gap High School, Beverley Manor Middle School, Churchville Elementary School, North River Elementary, and Craigsville Elementary School
Kim Catalano
Email Kim
Cassell Elementary School, Stuarts Draft Elementary School, Post High, and CSA
Mason Folk
Email Mason
Wilson Elementary School, Wilson Middle School, and Wilson Memorial High School