The School Board’s policies regarding access to student information adhere to federal and state laws that limit disclosures of personally identifiable student information to third parties. With limited exceptions, parental consent is required before the Division discloses personally identifiable student information from student records to third parties absent a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. In the event a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena is presented, notice to parents typically is required prior to disclosure of personally identifiable information from student records. Our protocol involves principals contacting families in these situations.

With respect to law enforcement specifically, School Board policy generally requires parental consent prior to officers having access to students for the purpose of questioning them about matters that are not the subject of school disciplinary investigation/proceedings. School Board policy also requires reasonable efforts to minimize any disruptions in the school environment that may be related to serving legal process and/or making arrests.

The safety, security, and privacy of our students and staff remain a top priority. We continue our commitment to providing a safe environment in which to provide educational and other services to our students and families. As always, we invite any members of our school community who have questions about these policies or concerns about attendance at school to contact building or Central Office administration.

