As previously announced, the Augusta County School Board will be adopting new resources and materials for our Middle and High School History and Social Studies curriculum for the 2025 school year. The materials selected will coincide with and support the implementation of the 2023 VA History and Social Science Standards of Learning beginning with the 2025 school year.
Due to the rescheduling of the March 6 School Board meeting to March 20, 2025, some changes have been made in order to allow more time for the public to review and comment on the Middle and High School History and social studies curriculum materials and resources under consideration.
Option1: Materials will be available for review and comment prior to the rescheduled School Board meeting on March 20, 2025. Materials will be available from 12:00 pm to 6:30 pm prior to the start of the School Board Meeting.
Option 2: The document linked here contains a list of the text books publishers have submitted for each grade level and course. If the publisher provides online access to the public, that information is given as well. Updates will be made if publishers provide online access to the public.
Option 3: Interested community members and parents can also make an appointment to review the materials in person at the Augusta County Center for Professional Learning (The “Center”) located at 58 Cedar Green Rd, Staunton. The Center is the former home to Beverley Manor Middle School. The materials can be made available at the following dates and times:
March 7 9am - 2:30pm
March 10 11am - 12pm
March 12 1pm - 4:30pm
March 14 9am - 11am
The materials will be set up in the cafeteria. You will enter through the main entrance, Door 1, check in at the main office, then take the hallway to the right to the cafeteria.
If you are interested in Option 3, please reach out to Abe Mikell to let him know when you will be reviewing the materials under consideration.
After reviewing the materials online or in person you can include your comments for review on the Google Form linked here. The form will be available for comment until March 20, 2025.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Abe Mikell, Instructional Supervisor:
Thank you, in advance, for your assistance in bringing the best History and Social Studies education materials to the students of Augusta County!